Thursday, April 1, 2010

More Word Art

I am super excited about this project I am doing with my son's class tomorrow. It's a slightly different take on the piece I showed you yesterday. Again, I used the "Sure Cuts Alot" software with my cricut to cut out each child's name in a different font and color of vinyl. I am going to let them do the rest, and hope they come up with a fabulous word collage, which I'm sure they will! Can I just tell you again how much I love this new software partnered with my cricut. I can sit down and cut out virtually any font at the touch of a button. It is seriously rocking my world right now! For an initial investment of about $70, I will now be able to cut out any font, wingding, dingbat, etc without having to buy an $80 cartridge every time I want a new font! How awesome is that???

Tonight I finished my "Hello" piece, to compliment the "Love" one. I think they look so cool paired together. They would be amazing hung on the wall, one on top of the other. I hope they are well received at the auction, and make the art program some much needed cash!

I apologize for the poor quality of these pics. I have been burning the midnight oil lately and have had to succumb to night time photography...not good! Leave it to me to have 83,000 unfinished projects going at the same time. Have I mentioned before that I might have a slight problem? Yeah....that's how I roll. But I'm thinking that maybe I should put myself on a schedule, instead of just winging it all the time and leaving chaos in my wake. Did I mention that I also hate schedules? I'm pretty much doomed.


  1. I love your poject! Once again, the Cricut gets a big thumbs up ... and so do you! :o)

  2. OK, I'm a bit out of the loop. I've decided I need one of these Cricut machines, but it all seems so complicated. What do I need if I don't plan to use it for anything but these awesome letters/words and where should I buy it?

    Your wall art will bring in a boatload of cash! They're awesome!


  3. Looks great!

    I want to get SCAL, but I've heard it voids your warranty, so I'm waiting until mine has ended.

  4. Please, please do a post on the SCAL...I own a smaller Cricut, and truly hate having to pay $90 for a cartridge. I have looked at the SCAL numerous times trying to decide whether or not to download it. Is it simple? Will I still need to purchase fonts and designs from SCAL? Do I have to worry about viruses when downloading? Anyway, if you have the time..hahaha...would you consider doing a small tutorial. Thanks and I looooovvveee the Subway art..great job.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can't wait to see what the kids come up with. I would love to do something like that, but in the school I used to work the kids moved so frequently that it was hard to have anything with their names up.

  7. I don't know which one I like best...they're both great!

  8. I must get a Cricket. Those are some great art projects you have made with the help of your Cricket.
    Love the Hello and Love art.

  9. love it! what brand/where did you buy your vinyl? i've tried a few and am not happy with them. thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Hello. I LOVE the love languages art project. GENIUS.

  11. I posted about your love languages on my new blog. I love it so much!

  12. Sure looks like you're having fun! Good for you!

    Have a wonderful Easter with your precious ones. Love you!

  13. amanda...thanks for your kind words ( i need them!) and also for the tip about the vinyl...what a great idea! i'm gonna go scope out local shops right now:)

  14. I love the word art. Really Cute!!!

  15. I LOVE it! The best part-you have now pretty much convinced me to get the cuts a lot. YES! So-where do you get all of your vinyl? I have a local place, but it's super expensive! Any thoughts?

  16. Your wall art will bring in a boatload of cash! They're awesome!
    free classified india

  17. Does the SCAL work with the mini?


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