Saturday, March 13, 2010

This Girl Needs a Vacation!!!

Looking back at my posts this week and the projects I've worked on around the house, I have declared it..."paint everything in sight blue week"! It's all thanks to an old rusty can of turquoise paint in the garage and a small bottle of craft paint that is my current obsession.

With my trusty bottle of acrylic paint, I transformed an ugly gold finial and a plain nest with eggs into beautiful stand out pieces for spring.

My personal favorite was this "Keep Calm" sign I made with an extra piece of plywood, leftover paint, and some vinyl lettering I cut with my cricut. I WILL be making more of these in the future and listing them in my etsy shop!

Again, a bit of that beautiful craft paint took my cream colored frame from oH mY!

This frame for my chalkboard started out Parakeet Green, but ended up a turquoise blue, with a bit of the green peeking through for interest. This will go in my girls' room eventually.

And this Southern Living at Home bucket (yard sale $1) got an update with a bit of green and turquoise mixed and a lot of distressing! This too will go in the girls' room one day.....maybe. Hopefully I can pull it all together and make some sort of sense out of the hodgepodge of stuff we have right now!

This next week we will have some visitors here at Imperfectly Beautiful. Friends and family will be filling in for me while the kids and I spend spring break with our main man. We are heading out the door right now to start the 10 hour drive. Please pray for me that we make it there without killing each other! It's been 3months since I saw my sweet hubby and the 10 hour drive is sooooooooo worth it!!! I'll check in with y'all a couple times next week. There will also be a Spring Break giveaway one day, so be sure and stop by. Have a wonderful week....I'll see ya soon!


  1. All your projects turned out great, Amanda! Enjoy your visit with hubby!

  2. 3 months? Wow! Good luck with your drive and enjoy your family time.

    As always...thanks for the inspiration!!!

  3. Great color, I can see why you want it on everything.

  4. Such a pretty color, one of my faves for sure! I really like how all of your projects turned out.

    Enjoy the time with your Hubby :) & have a safe, fun time!

  5. May God bless you during your trip and may you make it there and back safely!!!


  6. It all looks fabulous! Have a safe trip and a great Spring Break!

  7. i've loved all of the blue lately!! enjoy your trip!

  8. Everything looks so pretty and Springy. I love that color. Have a wonderful time with your hubby and kids.

  9. Love that color...reminds me of Tiffany&Co!

  10. Have a great time with your hubby and kids. I know that you both must really miss each other.
    That finial looks beautiful painted blue.

    Lee Laurie

  11. I'm lovin' the blue frame with the green peeking through!!! GORGEOUS!

  12. The finial is FANTASTIC! How did you do that?

  13. I love turquoise! I am so excited for you and your hubby!!! What day did I say I would guest post? I am excited about it! Have a wonderful time!!!


  14. Ok - I checked my email. The 19th. I am excited about it! Have a super trip!!!


  15. Yay for you, have a fabulous time!

  16. Love the evolution of your frame.. so much that I featured it on my blog today for my Inspiration Week. Stop by Blissful Chaos to check it out!!

  17. May God bless you during your trip and may you make it there and back safely!!!
    home jobs india


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