Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Miss Procrastination 2010

Have y'all noticed that I am the world's worst at putting things off and not finishing projects in a timely manner??? Well, if not...it's true....crown me Miss Procrastination 2010. This little project is one that I've had on the backburner for a couple months now....half finished. I covered these thrift store canvases back when I made over the infamous roadkill rescue headboard. They have been sitting around waiting to get all gussied up. I had no idea what to do with them, so I put them away and waited for some inspriration.

And 2 months later...it struck. I decided to use them as picture frames. I had these two adorable 8 x 10's printed recently, but couldn't decide where to put them. Again with the sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike. I know, I know....blah, blah, blah!

I used double stick tape to attach the picture to the fabric. Then I strung a drapery clip onto a ribbon and tacked it to the top of the frame with an upholstery tack. On one I clipped a big silk daisy, an acrylic scrapbook initial, and a teeny tiny picture of my sweet girl's hand on the day she was blessed! The other frame I kept simple with just an initial. I wanted the focus to be on those gorgeous, amazing eyes of my baby girl.

I have one hanging on either side of the bed. My girls absolutely LOVE having their very own pictures in here. They were so excited when I asked if I should hang them in their room.

This room is slowly coming together...kinda like the master bedroom. Yes.....it is still in progress too. Hmmmmm, maybe I should only start one project at a time. HA..... that's a good one!

I adore this itsy bitsy little picture of a brand new baby hand. I think that bracelet would fit on her thumb nowadays! So not fair that they have to grow up. This child told me just today that she DID NOT want to grow up. She liked being three and didn't want to be 4 anymore! Well, ok. I'll get right on that.

The inspriration for these frames came from this memo board, or my version of it anyway. I made it back when there was only one girl and she ruled the roost and the decor. Can you tell? This was a fun project and super easy. I love that it is not your typical memo board. It's a little out there, a bit quirky, and a lot cute!

staples or hot glue
drapery clips
upholstery tacks
scrapbook embellishments


  1. Oh my, these are ADORABLE! I love the frames, I love the fabric, I love the daisies, I love the memo board:) Love it ALL! Thanks for sharing some inspiration:)

  2. I'm with Stacey; those are so sweet.....just perfect. Loved hearing what your girls' reactions to them were!


  3. What a great way to tie in the decor! Very cute!!

  4. So cute and creative! That first picture of your daughter is adorable!

  5. If you are Miss Procrastination, I don't even KNOW what I am! These are lovely!

  6. I guess sometimes it pays to be a procrastinator. These are great and the best part is that the girls LOVE them. Makes them feel special. Great job.

  7. Adorable!!! These are fabulous!!! :) Again, another cutesy thing to add to Etsy. :)

  8. I love that paisley fabric, Amanda! Great idea and I like how you added the ribbon with the clip to hold their initials.

  9. LOVE these!!!

    I actually have 4 leftover drapery clips and I've been trying to think of what to do with them - Thank You for the inspiration! These turned out so cute!

  10. Oh my gosh... those are just SO adorable! Great project! Let me tell you.. if you are Miss Procastination 2010... I held that award for 2009! Hoping to lose it this year! ;)

  11. These are wonderful! Love the use of the drapery clip; never would have thought of doing that. www.satisfiedsole.com

  12. Very cute. Don't worry, I share the title with you, along with Ms. "Have a ton of great ideas but needs someone else to execute them as she thinks of more great ideas".

  13. Oooooh, I just stumbled upon your blog this week & I love your ideas! Those canvas picture frames are WONDERFUL & are the perfect inspiration for several canvases that I have sitting around (or when I find them, we moved this week!) Thanks for the great ideas! The drapery clip part is my favorite! And your girls are super cute, too!

  14. Those are the cutest frames ever. So unique and creative. Love the fabric and how it matches the headboard.
    Cute room.

  15. SO cute! Just adorable, really! What a great use of those canvases, and a great way to use a bit more of that awesome fabric. You're doing great!

  16. Oh my gosh! These are PRECIOUS!!! Love that fabric too!! I have a thing for paisley.

    I am also a terrible procrastinator. I tell Hubby it's part of my charm.

  17. They are so cute! You are so creative. Love your posts - keep 'em up!

  18. ..just perfect. Loved hearing what your girls' reactions to them were!

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