Friday, December 4, 2009

Let it Snow, Baby!!!

It is SNOWING in south Mississippi!!!! Can you tell we rarely get snow? This is a huge deal for us southerners. For many of you, my excitement over a little snow will be laughable, and I'm ok with that. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning. I had to go out in it and play and take a few pics to share!

It is actually coming down pretty hard and thick and it's sticking. It's the good stuff too... real puffy and fluffy and soft!! I don't think I can ever remember it snowing this good. I can't till the morning when my little girls can see it. They will be so excited! Keep your fingers crossed for me that it will stick through the night!

And just because...this is my neighbors side yard. This picture does not do their Christmas lights justice. You would not believe how elaborate this set up is. They start the day after Halloween putting it all up and finish by Thanksgiving. It is unbelievable and so tacky...and we LOVE it! My girls beg to go out every night and look at the lights before bed. It's so cute! I will work on getting a better picture so you can REALLY see the full effect. They were actually standing in their front yard when I took this and seemed rather peeved at me. Oh well, they'll get over it. And hello people...if you're gonna pretend to be the Griswolds and put up 46,000 lights in your yard...people are probably gonna stop and gawk and take pictures! Can I get a witness???


  1. Oh my goodness! I am so jealous! I'm in central Texas and can I just tell you that it snowed for all of 10 minutes today?!? By the time I got the baby all bundled up to head outside, our "winter storm" was over and the sun was out! HA! Glad you guys are enjoying it :D

  2. Wonderful snow - wish we had some up here!! Seems odd... my location... and we have yet to get snow! And I agree about the lights :) If you put on such a show, it screams LOOK AT ME! Hope your children continue to enjoy the lights.

  3. Oh, that's so exciting!! My Auntie called me and let me know that it was snowing in Louisiana today too!!! LUCKY birds. I will going up a snowy mountain tomorrow to cut down our tree. Will be posting photos soon!

  4. I think you've sent it our way. It's raining now but supposed to change to snow later. Yippee!

  5. Beautiful!!!!! We only got a little. :( Love the Griswolds!!!!! LOL

  6. I am so jealous! I am a North Dakota girl living in Florida! I really do miss snow...(not ice, just snow) Great pictures! Have a nice and "snowey" weekend!

    Best wishes,

  7. I think it's great that you've got so much snow! Luckily, we haven't gotten that much, but I'm sure that will change soon.

    Did the kids have a snow day?

  8. I'm in Louisiana and we got the snow as well and had to go play in it, it is so rare for us so we love every minute of it. We woke up this morning and it's still on the ground so we sure took lots of pics of this rare occasion for us!!!!

  9. You're cute as usual. We, here in Wisconsin have been lacking snow thus far this year also and when it fell last night in snowflakes as big as my eyeballs, my kids were pretty excited and I must admit it was PRETTY. Enjoy. Or is it gone? :)

  10. I know your excitement.....I just love the snow. I live in Virginia where we may see one or two good snows each winter, or not! Today is rain but we might change over to snow later this afternoon. I have my fingers crossed.

  11. I wish it would snow here in Georgia! We rarely get snow more like slush!!

  12. Hey! That's our snow! Give it back!

    It was here in Houston yesterday and it was glorious!!! God is good! His sense of humor never ceases to amaze me!

  13. Ohhh, I'm so jealous - ours didn't stick! Even so, we were super excited last night just to watch the big, fat flakes fall and melt on the ground here in south Louisiana!

  14. That is awesome. The first year I lived in Oxford, MS was the first time it had snowed in like 10 years. I haven't seen snow since then. :-(

  15. we got snow in houston too. but nothing like what you got ;) its all melting away as we speak. we got to have our snow for 24 hrs! yay!

  16. Amen, Sister! We have neighbors down the street that do the elaborate display. Hey ~ it's their electric bill so I don't care! I can't believe all the states I'm hearing about getting snow and we are having rain today. There was that one year {about 10 years ago}, with El Nino, where California was freezing and here in New York it was 65 in January!

  17. I LOVE snow too! We're in OK, so we don't get much - more than you though. I always buy my son full snow gear hoping we'll get enough to play in it.

    Hope you get to enjoy it before it melts....

  18. beautiful picutres! so jealous. we are in southeast louisiana, north of the lake and it just missed us. poured down rain and i kept thinking it would change to snow and never did. bummer. glad you got to enjoy some!!

  19. Sooo jealous! We are in NC and we occasionally see snow but not that much. We might get a few flurries tonight. Enjoy your snow!

  20. Isn't this amazing!? I could hardly believe it snowed last night and this morning. We had thick snow all over our property! :o) It looked like a winter wonderland! I keep singing "It's gonna snow snow snow right here in Dixie" from A Year Without A Santa! :o) Remember that song?! :o)
    I will try to post pictures on Wednesday.
    I just posted a question on my blog. Can you help me? Thanks! Trish

  21. Ohh... what a pretty snow! Usually we have snow by now around here (Nebraska), but we don't have any yet! ;) Those lights are gorgeous... I love to look at Christmas lights! :)

  22. Lucky. I'm in Austin, Texas, and we were supposed to get a few inches yesterday (they even sent out a university-wide e-mail to the effect), but there were only a few snowflakes. I'm keeping my hopes up for more!

  23. Your pictures are sooo pretty! Enjoy your snow!

  24. How exciting! I have only seen snow a few times so I know how you feel!

  25. So pretty - I love snow in December (that's about the only time - lol). I am excited to talk about our project :)


  26. Honey, I live in Virginia and I STILL get excited over any little snow. It started snowing yesterday just before Natalie's bday party started and snowed most of the day. Not enough to stick to the roads, but so beautiful. I was a sap and kept the Christmas lights up all day b/c it felt more Christmasy!

    I can't believe the lights!! I LOVE looking at stuff like that. I would never decorate that way, but I love to look. :)

    Enjoy your snow. My aunt in Katy, TX said it snowed there on Friday!

  27. Gorgeous! I hope y'all got to enjoy the snow. I know how you feel, we don't see much of it here in South Carolina either.

  28. Lucky duck! I can't believe you had snow! What a fun surprise. Everything is just MORE FUN with a little snow outside. Everything but driving, that is. But who wants to leave home on a snowy day? Gimme a fire and some hot chocolate!

  29. That is beautiful! I'm in Phoenix and we're never going to see that.

  30. My friend posted pictures of her place in Hattiesburg and I'm so jealous we don't live there anymore! It never snowed the whole time we were there - I'm jealous. I keep hoping that we'll get a flake or two here in the panhandle of FL, or atleast some when we go back to TX.


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