Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Crazy New Rug

Ok, I am so super excited about my new rug. It was a major impulse buy, and I LOVE it! I have admired zebra print rugs in magazines and brave homes for a long time. Well, I finally got the courage to try one in my modest little home. I think it adds just the right amount of personality and pizazz to a space that sometimes seems very boring and predictable to me, sans the chocolate brown walls! And with a touch of aqua blue...yummy.

I love the way it looks with my giant black armoire and dropcloth tableskirt. Now I'm on a mission to find or make (hot glue) some cute pillows in a fun fabric. I'm thinking big aqua blue and white polka dots. Any suggestions? My husband is worried that it looks too busy, but I like this room's eclectic feel. Modern mixed with traditional mixed with yard sale treasures. The perfect brew of my self-proclaimed style... "Funky Traditional".

And just so you can rest assured that I like to keep it real...this picture for your viewing pleasure. As you can plainly see this was not staged in any way, shape, or form....several piles of folded laundry, dolls, toys, books, and more. I live in a real house with 6 real people who make real messes ALL.DAY.LONG. And I was way too tired to clean it up...even for you, my friends. So this is what you get...a big ol' dose of my reality!

If anyone is in the market for a new rug, Overstock.Com has some amazing deals. The shipping for your entire order is always $2.95....gasp. But if you have a Paypal account, the shipping is FREE. They have great customer service, wonderful reviews on most products, helpful tips on keeping your rug clean, and a vast array of products to choose from. Man, it sounds like I'm being paid to endorse them...but sadly, I am not. I just wanted to share my deal with you all. Oh, and did I mention that this rug is thick and plush and wool?



  1. GET OUT! I want one! animal print mainly Zebra decor is all the rage right now. My fav. store in S. Utah Krumpets has tons of cute zebra stuff right now! P.S. thanks for the input on the HOME Decor Cricut Cartridge. I won one ON ebay AND am totally in love with it, and have used it already in my daughters room. Hugs!

  2. I {heart} you. :) Just as I was sitting here thinking, "She stinks. Look at her gorgeous new rug and her gorgeous black armoire and her gorgeous table skirt in her gorgeous room." Then you went and got real with us and I didn't feel so bad, even though my laundry pile on my couch is way bigger than yours. (It's shrinking though---folded some today while I watched Melrose Place on DVR) :)

    It's a fabulous rug. That's what I meant to say. :)

  3. I kove it and it looks perfect in your room! My niece just did her room in zebra print and aqua and she loves it! She would really love this rug!

  4. love it! erin over at elementsofstyle often features turquoise with zebra. i think it's a great combination, too. i'm glad to see this isn't a REAL zebra rug, though. those creep me out. i want this.

  5. Love the rug, I have had several zebra's. I have some tiger carpet and chetah chairs... love the animal prints and they are extremely versatile. Great look.

  6. Hi there,
    This is my first visit to your blog and I can tell I'm gonna love it cuz I have a zebra rug that I bought about a year ago at Pottery Barn. Mine is the brown and cream. It used to be in front of my sofa but just yesterday I put it under my dining room table. I love funky too!!!


  7. Oooh, I love it!!! It's for sure a keeper...the aqua and white polka dots sounds awesome! I just added some zebra printed pillows to my chocolate brown sofa's and love how they look.


  8. We manufacture custom rugs and zebra has been our best seller for several years now! I don't think animal print will ever go out of style!

  9. I also love it! I actually have a rug picked out right now from You gotta love the free shipping too! Enjoy your new stripes!

  10. I LOVE that rug. Tell hubby all your blog friends said it was fabulous. And about the laundry on the couch, atleast it is folded. Mine is still in the dryer!

  11. Every home needs some zebra!!! I have a zebra chair in my living room! Love, love, love your rug! It looks gorg!

  12. No no, your zebra rug isn't crazy. Every room needs a little something to add a zip of the exotic. Congratulations! Stan

  13. I totally LOVE that awesome rug! I think the idea of the polka dot pillows is great and will look so cute! I bought some animal print (zebra maybe, not sure) pillows at a yard sale recently and put them on my couch and love them. They give the room a whole different vibe in my opinion and make things more fun. Can't wait to see what else you do!

  14. I love the rug. In fact I love it all. The pillows sound fabulous. Would love to see a pic when you get them done. Thanks for the tip about :0) Karen

  15. Boy, you are wild and crazy with that rug! It looks great in the room! Not too busy at all. In fact, it is nice to break up all those solid colors. Print pillows will be good.

  16. I LOVE your zebra rug!! I also love your black armoire, chocolate walls, and wood floors - very pretty room!!

  17. my SIL has a zebra skin on her floor and she is super chic!! Hey I need some help with a chair, recovering and some TLC. can you come on over???!!!

  18. Girl - that is too cute! I love what it brings to the room. It says fun, chic, exciting, and playful. Great choice!!!

  19. Amanda, I love, love your rug! And you are so right about Overstock, I send people over there all the time. You got a great look for your room.

  20. That is so cute and looks perfect in that room!!

  21. Hi Amanda~ me again, when I add more and figure out FULLY what I want done and completed in my daughters room I will show you the "Home Decor" touches.. take care, and sit on your zebra rug for me and sip some hot coco! ha!

  22. I L.O.V.E it! The rug is perfect in that room.

  23. So cute! I love it! I have a brown and tan one in my family room and it makes such a statement!



  24. NOW that is what is called an element of surprise! So much fun!

  25. Swoon ! I love zebra prints, especially in rugs. Way to decorate outside the box and add such personality to a space

    Ab fab !

  26. Overstock rocks.... That rug is amazing... Makes me think I need some animal POP somewhere in this cottage!

  27. Amanda,
    That is a SERIOUSLY cool rug, my friend!

    Hey, I posted yesterday about something you might be interested in, please pop by if you have the time. I'm soooo hoping you'll join me!

  28. I think it looks fabulous - but my hubby would never go for that, drat!

  29. Ummmm I LOVE Overstock!! I am actually going to do a post about all the stuff I've gotten from there. It's still awesome years later! :) I WISH I would get paid by them. ha! Love love love this rug in the room, I think it's fantastic.

  30. I.LOVE.Zebra. Almost decided to do my Halloween party in black and white zebra and lime green. ;) If I would have had time...I would have.
    As always, I love your style!

  31. Oh, and I have a VERY similar black armoire upstairs.... that rug would be such a fun way to jazz up the 'kids' study' -which def has a matching black desk (thanks to spray paint!) that's never been sat at... ;)

  32. I think it looks great!

    Let us know how and when you make that necklace!

  33. OMGosh- I have the SAME couch/loveseat. NEVER woulda paired that rug with it...but WOW, you make it look fabulous!

  34. I also had that kind of rug which I bought on the day I started to live on my own, and the month after that was the first time I got it stained. Luckily, my parents and friends told me about a reputable guys who does carpet cleaning in Portland, Oregon.

    A year later, getting accustomed to living alone, I also told the best carpet cleaning in Portland, Oregon to my friends who also had problems on their rugs.


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