Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cricut, Cricut...Who Got a New Cricut???

So many of you have asked about the cartridge I used to make my new signs. It is called "Home Decor" and I got it off e-bay for about $20 (brand new). I have found that you can get the best deals on cartridges as well as the machine on e-bay...that's where I got mine. I only have the 2 standard cartridges that come with the Cricut (Plantin Schoolbook & Accent Essentials) and the Home Decor one. For now that is all that I plan to purchase. I really don't have much of a need for a lot of cartridges, plus that can get expensive real fast. And I know plenty of people I can borrow or share cartridges with. Y'all know I'm too thrifty for all that! Oh, and there is also a program you can buy called "Sure Cuts Alot". It allows you to hook the cricut to your computer and use any true type font you already have. Now that is awesome. Maybe one day. I also included a picture of the graphics that come on the Home Decor cartridge. Just click on the picture to enlarge it.

I got a new toy last week and I've had so much fun playing with it this weekend! Look at all the fun new stuff I've made so far....

I'm sure most of you die hard crafters know about the Cricut (pronounced..."cricket") and probably have owned one for ages. I, on the other hand, have only drooled over theses fancy machines..thinking I'd never have one of my own. My sweet sweet sister let me borrow hers for a couple months and I got completely hooked. But I'm proud to say that I sold enough of my etsy wares to buy my very own . Whoo-hoo! Seriously, that may not sound too exciting to you, but to me it means so much. It means I am finally doing what I love, what I am passionate about. It means I've put myself out there for the world to see and come to find's not as scary as I thought! It means I am feeding and cultivating and nourishing my creative spirit. And let me tell you...that feels soooooooo good! I don't plan or expect to make a living selling crafts, but it is so nice to feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment doing something that I LOVE.

Ok...sappy mushy moment over. Now I will gush about the wonderfullness of my new toy! I am amazed at how detailed and intricate this machine cuts. And to top it all off, it is super easy and user friendly. I am no techie...I NEED easy.

For reals! All I did was snap in the cartridge, type the chandelier button, set the size for 3 inches, and the quantity I want, load the paper...and VOILA! A whole stinkin page full of teeny tiny beautifully detailed chandeliers. I love this thing.

Not only does it cut paper, it also cuts chipboard, vinyl, and much more. The possibilities are endless. I have probably used about 1/100th of it's full potential, which is crazy, and I would be happy with that...but it can do so much more. I can't wait to see what we come up with together. Me and my new bff.

My other sister ordered a Halloween sign for her back door. She wanted spooky, but chic. Ummm...hello? She asked...Cricut and I delivered!

Total Cuteness.

But let's be honest here. Her back door is like the Taj Mahal of doors (I take pictures of all my signs at her house for this very reason). I could hang a little pile of dried up poo and it would look fabulous. Regardless, I'm glad we went with the cute sign and not the poo.
I don't know... I'm just sayin.


  1. Oh, I know what I want now! Everything looks great!


  2. Isn't the Cricut an absolute dream? I got mine in Jan. as a late Christmas present from my hubs. What cartridge did you get for the chandelier and crow? I MUST KNOW? congrats and good job earning your cricut!

  3. I LOVE that Halloween sign. So cute!

  4. Oh my, looks like I now know what I want santa to bring me this year...thanks for sharing.


  5. Congratulations on your new purchase! Such a great feeling when you are able to do something that you are passionate about with the extra bonus of making some extra money. =) My mom and I actually just bought the Cricut last week too...unfortunately right now it is at her house and I haven't had a chance to test it out. You definitely have some inspiring projects. Thanks for sharing!

  6. ome! i am sooo jealous!! i have wanted one of those for ages!! yeah!! for you! can't wait to see more great creations!!

  7. ok. loved the poo comment. hahah.

  8. Amanda,
    That is awesome and too funny.
    I have just this very weekend been researching them to see if they would do those vinyl letters for signs.

    So, are the ones you did that are in frames, a stick on type substance? or do you just glue them on?
    How much a sheet?
    So, where did you find the best deal on your cricut? Your extra cartridges???
    Which machine did you get?

    Tell all please!!
    barbara jean

  9. Love my Cricut and you just inspired me on other ways to use it! Thanks! I love your blog!

  10. OH how I wish I had a Cricut. I'm drooling over here! I love all the things you can do. Great "review"! ;0

  11. Wow! I thought it only cut paper! I love using the vinyl lettering on things. I had been ordering them from Uppercase Living. You are gonna be busy using this little thing! Enjoy!

  12. Congrats on your recent accomplishment/purchase! And thanks for showing what you've done with it so far. I would LOVE one someday. :)

  13. I love what you have done - a Cricut seems like a "must" for your business!

  14. Oh, that does look like fun. I've never even looked at these because I've assumed they're for scrapbooking. . . and I don't scrapbook. But it looks like they're for much more than that!

    I'm so glad your sales are going well! How exciting!

    Love you!

  15. I adore the "Adore"! I love everything you did ~ the chandeliers, the crown, the EEK sign . . . are they in your store yet??? : )

    I used a sticker on that pumpkin - from the first package of stickers in that first picture, that I got from Michael's.

  16. Hi Amanda,

    I'm so glad that you got a cricut! I've heard of them before but didn't really undersand what they were for. I bet you are so busy now...not like you weren't already! You are probably having so much fun! I want one! I will be watching to see what all you come up with! Have fun!

    Lee Laurie

  17. Ooh, you got the Cadillac of Cricut too! I get my cartridges off ebay--much, much cheaper than in the stores (well, unless Michael's has them for sale for $39.99, and it's a newer cartridge, but I'm sure you kno that already!)

    Enjoy your toy!!

  18. I really want one of these. I think it would get really expensive...are you constantly buying stuff for it??

  19. Lucky!! I want a Cricut so bad myself. I will keep drooling though. I can only imagine what wonderful things you are going to be making now that you have it. Hugs!

  20. I have had the smaller cricut for over a year now and I just bought the expression on Friday! I can't wait to start using it! What Cartridges did you use to cut those designs out?

  21. I've been looking and I think I am wanting!;) Now if only my shoppers would come by!;)

  22. Yeah I'm thinkin' the sign is way better than the poo! I LOVE my Cricut, but desperately need to get some more cartridges. That chandy is AWESOME!

  23. Honestly, I've never even seen a cricut and I'm so glad you showed us -- can't imagine all the possibilities! Something else to add to the list...

  24. I'm drooling over a Cricut! As a Scrapbooker and card maker, I've been dreaming of one. I can only imagine the beautiful stuff you are going to make.
    Congrats on your new toy!

  25. Now that looks like so much fun!! Congratulations on your new toy! :)

  26. So so fun! My mom has one and she loves it. I love all of the things you have done! Adorable!


  27. Great work!! Which cartrige are these on? I would like to buy it. thanks!

  28. Yes, the "Eek" is much more chic than the pile off poo. For sure.

    So excited for you! You got the Big Mama of all Cricuts. :) I have the small, older version, and I like it for the most part, but it sometimes doesn't cut all the way through my paper...I have to play with the settings a lot.

    I wish you lived closer...we could have a Cricut party (so exclusive!) and figure out new stuff to do. Cricut's website will let you sign up for a newsletter and they send you project ideas. :)

  29. Oh I'd looooove a cricut someday. I love the chandelier design too, too cute!

  30. I am so jealous! I watch the infomercial all of the time. Your new projects are great. Have fun!!!

    Best wishes,

  31. NOw you can make your own black and white plates you've been searching for to put in your bedroom . . . .

  32. I agree -- Cricuts rock! I don't have one but I do borrow a friend's on occasion! They are sooo handy dandy!

    Hope you have a great week!

  33. Shoot, Amanda, if I didn't love you so much, I'd REALLY hate you right now. I want a Cricut SOOOO bad. It's at the top of my Christmas list, so hopefully Santa is paying attention! :)

  34. HI five chickey! Welcome to the Cricut club. Wish you lived nearby so we could swap cartridges! Love love the signs your have made. Especially the birdie one!

  35. ok, after your post and then catching the cricut infomercial, i just bought me one on ebay. I'm so excited. I think instead of working today, I'll be thinking of cricut crafts :)

  36. You scrapbookers speak another language!

    Happy Cricutter Day!

  37. Cool beans!!! I saw one in a craft store and asked the associate 40 questions... I decided I need to go to one of their seminars to check out all they can do. Congrats on your purchase- have loads of fun with it! Hugs, Sue

  38. I so need to get me one of those toys!!! I have been holding out all this time but you totally make me want one!

  39. I'm so glad I found your blog again, I lost everything during the move. I had to change my blog from Fight for Life to Paint
    I love your Halloween decorations! Very cute!

  40. Nothing beats having the right tool for the job. I know you'll make great use of it!

  41. fantastic idea in using your cricut for home decor! i NOW have to buy this cartridge! my cricut misses me...

  42. Oooo,ahhhh! Love! Gotta get me one of these. I, too, have seen these and thought, no way, not me. But, now that I see what it can do....sold!

    Love your blog :)

  43. I have never heard of these before but hubby just said I can buy one! What model do you have? Does it come with amazing instructions so I'll understand what the heck it is and how many things I can do with it? Thanks!

  44. I have a question: i love my cricut and i have had it for years... I still get really frustrated with it at times. How did you get chandeliers to come out so perfect? I would try and cut some out but the really thin lines would literally brake off or the machine would start cutting good and then end up folding over paper and make holes and becomes a huge mess! Is it the pressure or speed? what can i do to fix that? and it always happens on tight little corners or skinny lines.

  45. I LOVE your site! I do not have the creative gene, but I do have the ability to follow the leader. I want you to know that you inspire me!


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