Thursday, August 6, 2009

Legos, Laundry, and Longing

Remember when I said I was sooooooo ready for the kids to start back to school? Well, I thought that this was what I wanted... but it wasn't!
I was wrong.

After the boys left for the bus stop this morning and the house was weirdly quiet, I decided to do some laundry before the girls woke up. When I went to cycle the first load I found these little guys. I usually find at least a couple of them in every load of laundry, no matter how many times I ask the boys to empty out their pockets. Normally I would be annoyed and laugh it off. But today I felt something quite different. In the stillness and quiet of the morning I felt longing...for the noise...for the chaos...for my rough and rowdy boys...for the sweet joys of motherhood! Looking at that pile of lego men and various parts and trinkets, I wanted to grab my little guys and hold onto them forever. They started 4th and 5th grade today. I remember when I was their age. I thought I was so big and bad and all grown up. But I still see them as my babies. My boys. They will always be my matter how big and bad and grown up they get. So in my moment this morning I decided to try and never get annoyed by those sweet reminders of my precious little boys ever again! I will look at that pocket full of clone troopers or rocks or whatever it may be, in a new light. I will look at it with joy...with gratitude...and with a heart full of a mother's love! I feel so blessed to have the privilege of being a mother. I will treasure it everyday, even when that pocket is filled with melted crayons from the dryer.

My boys and my sweet 3 year old living the good life in our ghetto pool.

This is a picture from our first annual Father's Day softball game 2008. I have 5 siblings and there are 17 grandkids so we had plenty of people to make teams. It was a blast! And please note that my family decided to go with the redneck theme based on my hubby's t-shirt. It had a picture of a camper with the caption "Living the Dream" underneath. Thus the bad hair and photoshopped facial hair on the boys. My hubby really enjoyed working on that and made it our screen saver. Love him! I really do...I love them all. Through all the craziness and the chaos and the fighting...there is whole lot of love.

Like the Beatles said...
"All you need is love, love is all you need."


  1. Sniff, sniff...this was really touching!! I have 3 boys - 13, 10, &3, and they do grow too fast. Knowing that my 3-year-old will probably be our last, I want to keep him my baby forever. I think this is the toughest part of motherhood...watching them grow - too quickly!!

  2. I feel the same exact way! You have to enjoy every little moment because they grow up soooo fast!

    Cute redneck picture too!

  3. Great post. It all goes by so fast. Stop the Time Train. I want off.

  4. Awwww!!! Sweet family. :) I can't believe they are back to school already. My mom (teacher) starts back in a week or so, and then the kids go back a week after that. Natalie doesn't start preschool until 9/14, I think!!! Hope you get lots done today. :)

  5. What a sweet post! Cute photos too.

  6. Oh' I love this post! In fact there have been a MANY times when I have cleaned out storm troopers, rocks, rubber bands, penny's, and other trinkets too, out of my 7 year olds pockets. Then I thought this would make for a great blog post if I could save a months worth of treasures. Anyway, I couldn't agree with you more... its those little sweet findings and the laughter in the home that I will some day miss the most. I love getting to see a picture of your family. p.s. The redneck theme... to funny! take care, JenGlamGirl ;)

  7. Very sweet post :) You have a beautiful family, Amanda! You're soooo right to be intentional about enjoying this parenting journey...because it truly DOES go by waaaaaay too fast! I look at my own children and just can't believe how old they are now - Tyler's about to move out on his own, Taylor's gonna start driving this fall and Tess is officially a teenager - none of it even seems possible! So, really do treasure this special'll be gone before you know it!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~Michelle :)

  8. What a beautiful post, Amanda! =)

  9. Hilarious picture!! Love it. :)

  10. Yes, honey. You are right to stop and savor the joys of being a mom, because it goes TOO FAST. And one of these days there won't be any minifigs in the laundry, and we won't quite know what to do, will we? Will the Force still be with us?

    Love ya,

  11. I needed that this morning. I think that you wrote that post just for me. So not kidding here.
    I am at my whits end with my kids (whatever whitts end means) I am sooo ready for school starts. I tend to forget the little things that I love about them and all that they bring to our family!! Thanks for the big ol dose of perspective-I really needed it. Thanks my friend!!

  12. Wait until you wash a cell phone and an IPOD in the same week, then they aren't as cute anymore, LOL!

  13. Thank you for reminding me to cherish these's been a rough day with the terrible two's!

  14. Look at those cutie kids! Makes me want to leave work and go get mine. Right now. ;)
    I just wanted to thank you for THE sweetest comment on my blog yesterday. I almost cried (and I wish I was kidding!) I seriously think I'll file that for days when I need a smile!
    Oh, and I broke it to my hubby that I was on a mission for pumpkins and all things fall. He's afraid... ;)

  15. You find legos in the laundry, I find my little ponies in the bathroom sink! Makes us crazy sometimes, but we know we wouldn't have it any other way!

    Maybe I'm glad Maddy's first year of school will be half days... I don't know if I could really truly handle full days yet! :)

  16. Love the photo-shopped facial hair!!

    I too am torn about the start of school. We don't start for another week and a half. I crave routine, but I do miss them...

  17. THanks for this post, i have 13 more days until school (kids asked how many i just happen to remember) and I am looking forward to it, but now I will try even harder to sit and enjoy the last few days!!! thanks!

  18. I remember when Cole was a little boy, I would find candy wrappers, little cars, super heroes,etc. in his pockets. As he got older that changed and I missed it believe it or not. I use to fuss about him cleaning out his pockets! As he got older, I would find sunflower seeds, mint wrappers,love letters,etc. I was always so thankful that it was things like that and nothing bad. Now I'm going through all of this with my 8year old, Garrett. I find candy wrappers, screws, small sticks, random little peices of metal,.etc. If it looks interesting to him, he keeps it. I have a tin can on my dryer that I throw all of these goodies in for him incase he ever NEEDS them! LOL
    I loved this post!

    Love the pictures too!
    Lee Laurie

  19. You just made me tear up I swear! My oldest is getting ready to head off to kindergarden. The Hubster does not know why I am so emotional abt it since Oldest has been in pre-school since he was 1. It's different I say.

  20. I can't believe your kids are back in school. Ack - I'm not ready yet!

    I love your ghetto pool. We have one too - but I think ours is even ghettoier.


  21. I think everyone needs one of those ghetto pools. Then your kids aren't begging to go to the neighbor's ghetto pool. haha

    I can totally relate to this post. Thanks for writing it.

  22. At least he spared the girls and YOU in that picture! No bearded ladies in your family!

  23. What a sweet post. You have a beautiful family. I usually only find pennies and an occasional nickle in my laundry. Monday I washed our checkbook. Don't ask. We are on our last week of vacation here!
    I'm just getting my computer back, so I'm trying to catch up with all my bloggie girls.

  24. You know when our boys are 31 married with kids we will still find those lego stormtroopers in the wash! They are everywhere! Just like long disposed paci's.

    Now I want a ghetto pool...complete with the dead ring of grass underneath!

  25. It's been more than 20 years since I felt that "back-to-school" quiet longing but it's a feeling a mother never forgets. I so appreciate your love of family. Thanks you for sharing.

  26. Aw Amanda, this makes me want to go grab my Bub out of bed. :) Boys...sniff.


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