Thursday, July 23, 2009

Silhouette Memo Boards

Country Living

I am so in love with these cork boards! Aren't they just fabulous? Silhouettes are so "in" right now...they're everywhere. And who would have thought to make them into memo boards? The minute I saw it in my Country Living magazine, I knew I wanted to tackle this project. (Click HERE for the link to the tutorial) And I will...just not right now...maybe next week. I am up to my elbows in paper and glue and paint working my little fingers into bloody stumps to get ready for the craft fair this weekend. Seriously, my kitchen has been completely hijacked by my projects. There is absolutely no where for my poor family to eat. Good thing they like the living room, because that's where they've been banished to. So, you're probably wondering WHY in the world I'm blogging, or reading magazines for that matter, if I have so much to do, right?


And because I love y'all so much, I decided to spend those wonderful few minutes here. This is my stress relief. This is my medicine. Thank you all for being such wonderful bloggy friends and for your continued support. I am blessed to be associated with each one of you. I love reading and responding to all your sweet comments...they seriously make my day! I love getting e-mails from you too, letting me know you tried this or that project I posted about or just saying hey! I love that personal connection. It thrills me to be able to build these wonderful relationships with such fascinating and inspiring women. So, from the bottom of my heart...thank you.

What a gift you are to me!


  1. My silouhette would have a slightly bigger neck waddle.

  2. Good Luck with your craftyness! I'm sure you'll do well because your items are lovely

  3. Those are super cute! Good luck at the craft fair this weekend!

  4. You are such a sweet heart! I have to say that it made me feel so special to receive comments back from you. A year ago I never even heard of a blog! It has been great to "meet" so many talented ladies. This is my stress reliever too. Good luck at the craft fair!

  5. Hope you had a nice break to catch your breath. :) I love silhouettes too! What a cool idea to turn them into a memo board!

  6. those are what are you making for the craft fair? Hope you do really well!!


  7. Oh my, I had to chuckle at the part about your kitchen being hijacked by, that's EXACTLY how mine is when I get to working on stuff! (Oh, it was a DISASTER during the preparations for our son's graduation party - my poor family! :) Hope you do very well at the craft fair! Enjoy a big, well-deserved break when it's over :)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm glad you posted this (which I've gotta try soon) so that I can read your blog on my much needed break!

  9. Amanda~I hope the craft fair goes well and that you get a breather soon~this too shall pass :) You're awesome!

  10. I just saw those as I was flying home, reading my Country Living. They are so cute! I liked the doily lamp shades, too!

  11. Oh, I love this! I wonder how the spray paint covers the cork though...does it get as saturated as it should? Either way..its fabulous. Thank you for finding this.

  12. Great seeing everyone's finds in blog land! Good luck at the fair...Janell

  13. You're a gift chicka. I love your blog!!!!! Good luck at the fair!

  14. That is so incredibly cute! I am going to try it!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Hey Amanda!
    Thanks for sharing the project. I think I can handle this. I'm printing the silhouettes off as I type.

    Glad you took a break to spend some time here. I really look forward to your posts and all your creative projects!

    Have a great weekend!


  16. Amanda, you are so sweet to take a minute to thank us, when you're the one we come to for inspiration! I hope that your craft fair is successful beyond your wildest dreams, have fun!

  17. Just wanted to let you know I am passing on the One Lovely Blog Award to always give me some kind of inspiration to create beautiful things! come on over to get it when you can!

  18. Just found your blog and I'm in heaven! ;) I, too, love decorating, doing it easily and cheaply, and having fun. Love shopping at HL. ;) Can't wait to have time and dig in a bit.

  19. Good luck at the craft fair!

  20. Just stopped by to let you know I nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog" award. Please stop by my blog and check it out.

    I love, love, love, the memo boards!

  21. I haven't seen those yet! Those are so cute! This was a sweet post. I cherish all of my friends that I've met on here too!


I love my lurkers, me some comment love!