Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Paint Party!

I have been looking forward to this since Melissa asked me if I'd like to participate about a month ago. And although I do have some favorite paint colors of my own, I am soooo excited to see the inspiration of others. Actually, I am about ready for a change in color at my house. We've been in our house about 2 and half years and my colors are starting to get on my nerves. I do love them, but I can't wait to see some new fresh colors!

This is our main bathroom that everyone uses. The color is a soft shade of aqua. It is from Lowe's and is called Sea Air. I lurrrrve it. It is very calming and relaxing and spa like.

Another view of the powder room. I actually found that shower curtain first and then decided on the wall color. Is that backwards?

Paint chip.

This color in my girl's room is the softest sweetest shade of pink EVER.
Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the exact color. But it's from Sherwin Williams and is the very lightest shade of pink that they have.

Now, this room is somewhat controversial. People either love it or they hate it. There's not much middle ground. I happen to love it. It is called Turkish Coffee from Sherwin Williams. This is a deep dark chocolate brown. I think it is beautiful with bright white trim and any shade of blue...preferably aqua!

And of course, a post on favorite paint colors would not be complete without naming my spray paint faves...right? Pretty much any brand of black satin is good. And Rustoleum's Heirloom White is a great stand by. It looks good on just about anything, and gives great coverage.

to Melissa for hosting this fun and fabulous party. I can't wait to see what everyone has to share!


  1. How perfect! I can't wait to go check out all the paint party posts!! We will be moving into our new house in about a month or so and will have an entire house of blank walls to paint!

    I love your paint choices...even the dark brown!! You have great taste!

  2. Amanda,This is beautiful! I love your colors! Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  3. You received a blog award. Check out my post at:


  4. Amanda! I love you for joining the party today~thank you for sharing your colors and I have to tell you that Katie at cleanandclassic.com has the same brown in her kitchen~you'll have to go see it!

  5. I may have to use that aqua color in my bathroom remodel. Love it! I'm a fan of Heirloom White too!

  6. No, you are not at all nuts to pick the shower curtain first. Given there are finite options there, and a gazillion shades of paint, this is a savvy move!
    I did it the other way around and next time will not be so foolish. :)

  7. Hi Amanda,
    Your current colors look wonderful, but I understand how it is nice to have a change. ~Cathy~

  8. I LOVE your colors!! Pink is my favorite color and it really works in a bedroom but at my last apartment my bathroom was basically Tiffany blue. I love going dramatic with colors because if it doesn't work you can just paint it again :)

  9. I don't think it's backwards.. I've done that myself a few times. Love the colors mixed with the brown. Thanks for sharing.

  10. It is all just lovely. I have that same shower curtain in my guest bath upstairs! I used a more neutral color on the walls with dark brown accents. I love the way you did it. I may need to repaint : O )


  11. No Way! I've never met another Turkish Coffee paint owner! Obviously, I love it too! Now maybe my kitchen needs a little splash of aqua!

  12. isn't it amazing how much we can love a paint color? Is it weird that we do?
    Oh well, at least we are in good company-right?

  13. Love that powder room!!!!! I'm in the "fan" camp for the brown. I've seen that in a few other pictures...is that where your desk is?? I'd love to see more of that room!!! :) (If you asked me that, it would take me 24 hours to get rid of all the kid clutter, but that's just me) ;) ;)

  14. I have Turkish Coffee also! Great color!

  15. I liked every one of them! And the Heirloom White! I can't tell you how many cans of that I used last fall! Should've bought it by the case.

  16. Oooh, I love them all! That blue is so pretty, and I think you did it just right, choosing the shower curtain first! :)
    That brown is beautiful, and you KNOW I'm a satin black and Heirloom white fan!

  17. I love all your colors. The Heirloom White is all over my fingers right now. I just used a whole can.


  18. Hmmmm, I'll have to check out Heirloom White. I'm needing an off-white for a chair. Thanks for the suggestion.

  19. Hey friend!! I love all the colors you used, and wish I was brave enough to use that dark brown somewhere. I think I feel the breeze of change blowing! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Your's is the second Turkish color I've seen! It so weird, cause I just met with a client yesterday who wanted to use it! I had never seen it and I love it!!

  21. I love the dark brown and all of your other colors.

  22. love your bath! the brown really pops off that blue. lovely!

  23. Love your bathroom! And...I'm a fan of the heirloom white spray paint too.


  24. I am just checking in with you! I haven't seen you out and about in blog land, and wanted to make sure you were still feeling OK.

  25. Love your house.....I enjoyed reading your blog today.
    I love all the new blogs
    I have found. Quite a unique group.
    I love making new blogging friends..
    I have several Disney posts already on my blog and have several more to post. Hope you will stop by for a visit.

  26. That pink is so pretty..and that is the most organized room!
    Pretty blue bath...isn't that a soothing color?

  27. very nice!!! I love brown and aqua together!!!

  28. I'm not so much for pastels, but love your brown and aqua together! Nice! :)

  29. I wonder if your pink is Lullaby Pink. I have a friend that has a super light shade of pink in her nursery and I think that is what hers is. I love it!

    I need to do some painting around here, and am always interested in finding great new colors. How fun!

  30. Awesome colors...love the brown :)

  31. I have Chocolate walls in several places in my house. I LOVE it! It's funny how several people (all of them white wall people) comment on how "dark" it is. And not in an approving way, either. :) The only thing that bugs me is when I get a little chip in the wall (kids). Your house is SO pretty!

  32. I like the color of your bathroom - and you didn't choose it backwards! In fact, that's how you are supposed to go about it - fabrics first, paint color last.

    Choosing Paint Color


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