Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blogging Slump

I have nothing to blog about. I feel totally unmotivated, absolutely not creative, and plain old down in the dumps. I don't know what's come over me. Oh...and I have zero photos of the projects I've been working on over the last week.
I suck.

I recieved a custom order for a sweet baby girl named Brooklyn. Yeah, I know EIGHT letters...whoohoo! It was all girly, and soft, and pink and green and brown. Precious. Did I take a picture of it? Nope.

Made the sweetest little sign as a baby gift for a girlfriend. It was all girly, and soft, and pink toile. Adorable. Did I take a picture of it? Negative.

Helped my sister make 2 upholstered headboards today. They were all boy, straight clean lines, classic, tailored, made with repurposed quilted navy blue coverlets. Spectacular. Did I take a picture of them? I'll give you one guess. That's right...Not.One.Stinkin.Picture.

I'm seriously in a slump. Help me out of this deep dark pit I feel I just can't climb out of. I almost didn't blog tonight because I had no pictures. But I decided to dive headlong into re-joining the blogosphere. My very first post...with no all her glory. I hope I still have some friends out there. Hello? Is anybody there?


  1. *waving* Hi!

    Glad you're back. Don't worry ~ sometimes we all need a break, even from a good thing. I didn't blog for two or more months last fall. Did me good :)

  2. I'm here! And even though you are fabulously talented and I love, love, love seeing your projects...I visit because I like to hear what you have to say - with or without pictures!

    I forget my camera a lot, so then I have to blog about something that has no pictures to go with it!

    Glad your back, I hope you are feeling more cheery soon!

  3. LOL It's ok! I still read it! A lack of pictures did not deter me :)

    All the best,

  4. i'm still here! and i'm just using my imagination to picture the beautiful projects you've made this week. :o)

    get your camera out, girly!

  5. I appreciated your comment on my blog!

    And I totally know what you're going through! I was in a serious slump a few weeks ago, and I still haven't fully recovered. I usually post 3 times a week, but this week will only be twice. My creative juices haven't been flowing as much.

  6. Over here! Over here! How is the weather there? I feel so much more motivated and happy when the sun is out. For the past 2 days it has been gloomy and snowing and I have wanted to burrow in my bed all day.

    It's okay to have a slump. You can post about the weather - we don't care. It's good to hear from you!


  7. Aww, it's okay about the pictures! Your blog is beautiful!!

  8. I think just like writers block...we get creative block! I know I had been feeling this way, and I finally feel some bursts of creativity coming back here and there. Sometimes instead of doing a project I like to just look and enjoy other peoples projects...oh, yeah...that involves pictures, oops sorry. lol. I love your blog. I am sure this is a temporary time and we will see more of your great stuff when your ready! Remember you just finished weeks of creating for your craft show....take a little break and just enjoy!

    Hugs to you,

  9. I'm here! :) You don't have to have pictures...your writing is interesting enough on its own! ;) Maybe you could do a post on any cute ways you decorated your kids rooms or your bedroom??

    I am with you on the Twilight movie. Robert Pattinson is yummy, but the girl who played Bella (Kristen Stewart?) was blaaaah. I want to see the next one just b/c he is so darn cute. I've only read the books once so far. I let my SIL borrow them, and she is taking her sweet time. ;)

    Glad to see you posting again!! I missed your posts!!! :)

  10. Sorry to hear you are in a funk right now. What's the weather like there? I feel the same way until spring officially arrives! Hang in there -- you will get your groove back soon :)

  11. Hey sister friend! I am so glad to hear that you have been creating and selling, even if you didn't get pictures. I can just imagine the things in my head, and I they are fabulous!
    Don't feel bad for taking a little break. We all need one now and again. You'll get your groove back. I'm sure of it!

  12. No photos, no problem! I'm still here! I forget to take photos too and some days there just isn't anything to blog about. It's okay!

  13. I was starting to wonder where you were! I'm still here and patiently waiting for you to get your groove back! For the first several days of our spring break I felt the same way. After a few days off playing in the sunshine I felt better. I have NO pictures of the first 5 days of our break!
    Hope that all these comments show you that we luv ya anyway!

  14. Hey, you! I'm here, and from what I can see so are a lot of your blog buddies! I go through these slumps all the time, it's no big deal. You are a very talented lady, and inspiration will hit you when you least expect it.

    No worries, you'll be back to your old self in no time!


  15. I'm sorry you are in a slump. It can happen to the best of us...I hope you will find something inspiring to pull you out soon! Sending happy thoughts your way!

  16. Your blogger friends are still here. It is ok to be in a slump. If it makes you feel better. I am late for work , just cut a chunk out of my thumb with a butter knife (typing with other hand). On top of that I have to go in and chew out the guy doing my island bar top. Some times in life it just can get out of control. Just blogging your feelings makes you feel better.

  17. Hey, I've got an idea! Have your sister take pictures of the headboards, write up some directions and send me over a guest post! If you aren't motivated to write on your blog you can write on mine! :)
    Okay, totally selfish of me, I know. :) I'm just thinkin' I'll borrow some of your fabulousness, 'cuz I KNOW it's in there!

  18. Don't worry I hit slumps as well. It is a lot of work to keep up with blogging when you have so much other stuff going on. Have a great day!

  19. Having been in a little slump myself, I totally understand. When I don't have photos to post, like right now when I cannot find my camera cable?????!!! Google images is my friend. I love to post with photos, and sometimes I use random photos (trying not to violate any copyright issues) that may or may not relate to my post!! Or I chime in on someone's theme party just for a topic for blogging OR I post a recipe. We can't be all inspired and creative every day, so just wing it, or take a break. It's okay, we'll still be around waiting for your next fab post!!


  20. It's ok. Everyone gets in a slump. Just don't delete your blog, like I have done before.haha. I'm not creative at all, but I love to come see what you are working on!

    Take a few days off and you'll get back into the swing of things! :))

  21. Gosh....I have been like that for over a week now glad you are back...doesn't matter no pics are here just knowing your back among friends is all that is wanted. Now I do love your crafty crafts so when you do some more be sure and share....

    Have a good week!

  22. you're ALIVE!!! i was so worried about you, amanda! the lack of posts was so unlike you and i was MISSIN you! i'm glad you're back....slump or no slump. as you can see we all still love you and know your creativity will be pumpin soon. what am i saying? it was pumping all just didn't photograph it! can you still take pics of what you did with your sister, or have her take a pic? i betcha brooklyn's mom would be thrilled and honored to send you a photo and have it featured on your blog. oh-and " know that stinkin-awesome gift i gave you? well i need it back. just for a minute. the baby isn't born yet, right?" click, load, and post! whatever you do....WE LOVE YOU!

  23. I love your crafts that you do but I come by each day to visit YOU!! Crafts or no crafts, pictures or no pictures, happy, sad, exciting, boring, good hairday, bad hairday...just give us a peep as you are loved by so many!!!

  24. I LOVE to read your blog and get ideas and inspiration. You are AWESOME, and you DON'T suck. I love you lots girl and you are way talented. I am counting down the days till we get to hang out!!!

  25. Sometimes I have a meeellion things I want to write about, sometimes it's a struggle!! I'll always come back to you or not. ;) But dang, those projects sounded caaute! Pictures woman!!

  26. It could be worse. You could be like me and not take pictures of easter. Yep-I am so awesome!!! I sometimes get that way. I used to blog about all kinds of projects that I would do-I haven't in such a long time. I kind of got out of the habit and never got back in. It would help if it would quit raining here. We are on day 3-so so so sick of it! We had a little bit of sunshine on monday so I planted some primroses in a newly painted/polka dot pot. I will take a pic of it-when the sun comes out again.
    The best thing to do for blog funk-go and blog surf-espescially on those who are oh so talented. They always give me some inspiration kick in the butt-usuall always works.
    Also-eat some chocoalte. That is always a sure thing!!! Off to clean!!

  27. Good to see you back! I've done the same thing many times--not taking pics of my finished work! I get so excited to get it done, get it shipped, and get back to being a mom with all that entails! Don't beat yourself up! I monogrammed 25 cosmetic bags for hostess gifts---what a perfect photo-op---didn't do it!

    I agree with the last comment, if all else fails turn to chocolate!:)

  28. Hi
    I am new to this whole blog thing and the computer ,As soon as I began I had a bit of panic when I realized I don't have a camera to download photos with.What can I do ,but I forged ahead with words and random stuff until we can get a camera I'll just wing it.
    All this is to say your blog is wonderful just like you with or without pictures just stay connected ever so often and the rest will work itself out in time.
    Have a really wonderful day .
    Love your blog !!!!!!

  29. Hello my love!

    I love your blog. I too am in a blogging slump. Have been for quite some time. My life and things that I do aren't really that exciting so I don't want to blog them.

    Love you!

  30. Hi there! New to your blog, but it's flagges as one of my faves and I'll be checking in often.

    You & I must have birthdays close together or something because this is exactly how I've been feeling for the last month! Of course going on vacation, having a death in the family and then being sick for 2 weeks doesn't do anything to help!

    The only thing I can tell you, my tried & true down-in-the-dumps, got the blues buster is service. Find someone around you who is struggling with something and forget yourself in serving them. Works every time.

    Your new friend in AZ

  31. I go through small blogging slumps from time to time. I either feel like I have nothing exciting to write about or I feel like taking pictures and writing about it is all to much work and I'm just not in the mood. Have no fear, the slump will fade and then you'll have one of those days where you have so much to blog about it that you won't know where to start! LOL

    I have missed seeing your awesome ideas though so don't stay in the slump too long... :)

  32. Cheer up, love. I still think you're just as amazing as you were when you were a crafty queen. Everyone has slumps, no big THANG. :0)

  33. Oh, my, girl! I feel your pain! I've been working furiously on projects and have not been posting a thing! I'm hoping to get some posts up today. I really would love to see pics of the headboard... hint, hint. Hope you get over your slump, but I do understand!

  34. I get like that too. Especially when I am busy like this week. Your projects sounded really cute!

  35. If only I could create all those beautiful projects while simultaneously being in a slump. You're amazing!

  36. I think it's in the air! Really though after holiday's I always feel that way.... like, there was all the build up, more things than one can manage in a day, then all of a sudden....nada, the only things pushing are the bills. Looking forward to your next post. - Mary

  37. I was having "a day" the other day saw a couple things that made me smile and posted about it:

    hope it makes you smile!

  38. Are you kidding me? We love you...pictureless and all. :)

  39. Hey, there you are! I missed you!

    Don't feel bad.. I've in the the same "funk" too..

    I have that bad habit of not remember to take pictures.. but since Sunday I left my camera 70 miles away at my Grandparents house.. ugh.

    We all missed you...and I know I suck too..

  40. Thanks for helping with the headboards---they are beyond cute!! (no photo attached--sorry)You are a great sis--also, need a baby girl gift--the neighborhood is busy this Spring. Love you!

  41. I have twin girls . . . Brooklyn and Ashlyn . . . I would hve LOVED to see what you did with the Brooklyn. Soo sad, but totally understandable! Dont' be so down on yourself - RELAX, take a bubble bath and enjoy a beautiful spring day!

  42. Slumps are no fun, are they? I was in one for AGES and it took me a month to post! Phew!
    Loved seeing your bunny topiary dec below. They are just too too cute!
    Hope you're feeling bloggy again soon hun!

  43. You know what girl? You are always so darn creative and crafty and filling up your blogging space with pieces of wonderfullness, it must only be natural that you may be a little blogged out of ideas. Rest, revive and it'll all come back. You just rock you know. That's all I gotsta say!


I love my lurkers, me some comment love!