Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Problem...with a capital P!

Clearly, I have a problem. Full blown panic set in and I was compelled to buy more dollar store plaques. I only bought 10. Already I am chomping at the bit to go back and buy more. I had to physically restrain myself from buying all 87 plaques they had in the store. Apparently people in my town have not caught on to the wondrous possibilities of these gems.
And GOODY for me!!!


  1. I want some of those! Of course, they are probably all sold out here...

  2. Get a hold of yourself woman!!! I'm sure they will still be there a week from now.

    You're suffering from "Dollarstoritis". You're not alone. Many women have this condition. :D

  3. You are sooooo funny! I love the Dollar Store too!

  4. Hi! I got my package yesterday- it is so gorgeous!! Thank you so much!! I really love it!

  5. I only wish I had those at my $$$ store! But I have the same problem. It was with an item at the $spot at Target. I bought all of it! :)

    I just recieved my little notebook yesterday! THANK YOU! I am LOVEing it!!! I took it with me to my womens prayer group last night, it is now my new prayer/scripture journal. I just adore writing in something pretty! The ribbon, colors, paper... it all fits me to a 'T'! Thanks again! I had so much fun with this game. :-)

  6. Ahhhhh! I want some! I've been stalking my dollar store and we don't have them here!!!! Pleezzzzzze do a giveaway, pretty please with sugar on top?

  7. I'm so jealous!! I wish I knew when our Dollar Tree was opening, I may have to hunt down another location.

  8. I went to my Dollar Tree yesterday looking for these dang plaques... none. What a bummer! I'm hitting up Target's dollar spot today to see if I can ease my disappointment! ;)

  9. I went to my Dollar Tree yesterday looking for these dang plaques... none. What a bummer! I'm hitting up Target's dollar spot today to see if I can ease my disappointment! ;)

  10. Oh YES!! I absolutely could not control myself and bought about six as well. I have thought several times that surely I should return and assist the DT in decreasing their stock of these :) I already used a couple - making Valentine's plaques - one for me and one for a friend. Now how in the world can you say no to that?!?!

    Check out my project here:

  11. I had to go to 2 different Dollar stores to find these! I finally picked up 4 of them. I have to make a 'do not disturb' sign for my daughter's friend (baby shower surprise basket) and these will work perfectly! Slap a little paint and use some scrappin goodies...call her done!

  12. Tell your store to send OUR store some!!! Puuhlease!! :)You are so funny!

  13. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  14. People have said that during our economy-more and more people are shopping at the dollar store. They are saving a bunch of cash.
    WHATEVER! Obviously they are not counting all of the women who go there to save money and then end up buying things that they just can't live without. I don't think that you have a problem-you are just prepared. thank you dollar store.

  15. Your dollar store needs to send some of those 83 leftover plaques to my dollar store! I want some! :)

    ~ Sarah

  16. Everytime you post something about a dollar store find, it is never at my store. :( You get the best deals! :) What store are you going too? Dollar Tree?

  17. Woo, hoo! I totally would have done the same thing! lol!

  18. Shannon, they are at the Dollar Tree. I hope you find some.

    Kristen, I tried to leave a comment on your blog but for some reason it would NOt let me. Your crafts are too cute. ANd thanks for the link to Her Southern Charm's Crafty Tuesday. I'm gonna try and link up this afternoon!

  19. I love these too. And you'll show us what you do with them? right?
    Have a good day.

  20. That's funny......keep on buying and making yourself happy! Go get the other 87....can't wait to see what you come up with!

  21. I think I have gotten them all from our Dollar Stores :)

  22. you have an addiction.
    no 12 step program is needed though.
    keep on blogging it up, SISTA!!!

  23. What?? What?? You left some for me? Doh. I live across the country. Ok. Back to the Dollar Tree for me. I haven't seen them yet, but trust me- I WILL FIND THEM!! hehe.

    I wish I could share a cupcake with you? Where do you live again? Maybe we need a vacation down your way someday...Any good tourist activities??


  24. i am addicted to these plaques vicariously through you. i went to my dollar tree and loaded up on a few, but when i started working with them, i think they are significantly smaller than yours. could you give me an approximate on measurements? i want to know if i should scope out some other locations for the bigger sizes. also-it would be a really fun linky party to see what everyone does with their dollars worth of wood:)

  25. you are too funny! but i know exactly how you feel ~ i get panicky if there are more beads, ribbon, etc. at the store waiting to be purchased by me, even if i have a whole room full of the exact same supplies at home. it's official ~ crafting makes us silly!

  26. You are so funny!! It is OK, I think you can blame it on the Dollar Tree! I used to be that way with their wrapping paper. I could not get enough of it, it used to be so pretty. I would tell my self it is just a dollar, and I am going to need it at some point right? I ended up with so much paper!! But, thanks for reminding me about them, I forgot to stop by there!

  27. thanks for your response on my plaque problem! i KNEW IT....mine are smaller!! i'm on the hunt now. i want the bigger ones! i will take pics of what i've done with the small ones and let you know if i find the bigger ones. thanks for the obsession:)

  28. I went to get some of those and they had none...zilch....nunia...dang I really wanted some cause you inspired me with this project. Oh well guess they all sent them to your store cause they knew you were up to something.

    Glad to see Ella is home...she is so pretty. I just brought mine home from a near tragic experience...thank God!


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