I think this simple stack of cast off Christmas boxes, turned cupcake tower is the most wonderful thing ever! I made it for my niece's wedding shower tonight. It was really so simple...anyone could recreate this. I literally went out to the garage and chose some leftover boxes from Christmas morning (that will thankfully be picked up with the trash tomorrow), and wrapped them in brown craft paper. My original plan was to find some gorgeous wrapping paper in her wedding colors, but that didn't happen. Thank goodness for gorgeous ribbon to spruce it all up. I used what I had in my stash of ribbon scraps and bought one roll at Target in the Christmas markdowns. I used my Cricut to cut out the circles and the letters for the monogram. I used each of their first initials (H & D) and the initial of their soon to be last name in the middle.
Then we just surrounded the boxes with the cupcakes and, voila...a super cute, ultra fab, monogrammed cupcake tower is born!
The ribbon and the paper monograms are attached using double stick tape. Oh, how I love thee, double stick tape! Have I ever professed my love for this amazing stuff? I LOVE it and use it all the time for so many things....it makes me very happy.
Here...let me zoom out so that you can get a better view, because obviously, I haven't shown enough pictures of it yet.
See those chocolate brown mercury glass trees? My amazing mother found those at a discount/closeout/salvage store today. They were two for a dollar! That's 50 cents people...2 quarters, or 5 dimes, or 20 nickles...seriously! The price tag on the bottom said $24.99. She has some serious skills.
Se how much fun we had putting this together? Hahaha...I just wanted to use this picture for the scale to show you how large this thing was. It made an amazing centerpiece, even though it wasn't exactly in the center of the table. We actually had to move it because it was bumping into the bottom of the chandelier. I like it even more angled off to the side.
I am already thinking about making another one...it really was that fun! My daughter's 4th birthday is in two weeks and I think another cupcake tower is in order. Hers will be ultra girly, with lots of pink and polka dots. I hope the vision of it I have in my head lives up to my expectations...I wouldn't want to let myself down!