Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Santa Claus is Comin' To Town...a little early!

I'm sorry. I just couldn't wait any longer. I HAD to put some of my Christmas stuff out. Last year it was so much easier to justify putting it all out the week before Thanksgiving, because I was pregnant and due Dec. 10. I had a good excuse to get it done early. This year I have no such excuse. I my defense, I have had out my Halloween and Fall decor since September. I was getting sick of it...I needed a change. Plus, can I just tell you that this is one LESS thing I have to worry and stress about in December. It takes a tiny little weight off of the huge holiday load! So, I'm putting it out in stages. No rush. Just whenever I feel like it, or have a few extra minutes to spare. It is a work in progress. Actually, it will always be a work in progress, because of my constant tweaking. I will change this stuff around 28 times before it's all said and done. But...that's just the kind of girl I am. By the way, that wooden Santa above was rescued from my Mom's garage sale stuff. I think she made it in 1985, but I still love it. Is it too country-ish? Please lie to me and say, "No Amanda, it's precious"...thanks for being true friends!

I'm not wild about the piano setup. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I'll keep tweaking and eventually it will work. Don't you just LOVE those red berries? They were actually candle rings that I bought at Michael's after Christmas a coon's age ago (my fellow southerners know what a coon is, right?). Anyway, I snipped them, straightened them out, and.....TADA, I have a lovely berry garland for free! I cannot tell you how much fun it is to shop your own house and repurpose old stuff that's not being used...fun, fun, fun!!!

Last year I almost threw this little tree away. He just looked so sad and tired and I wasn't using him anyway. But, this year when I pulled him out of the box, I saw him with new eyes. I added a few pinecones and berries and some "can't go wrong" feathers...and SHAZAM...totally full of life revamped tree.

Can you tell that the runner is not really a runner? It is three large napkins butted up together and straight pinned. Clever. I really wanted to go buy an new runner, but I couldn't bring myself to spend the money. (I'm saving for a pair of lighted trees to go in the urns at my front door) So, yesterday I'm busily putting out my little Christmas treasures and all of a sudden I remember those napkins I got at Target for like 90% off. They've been sitting in a drawer waiting for their debut. At the time I bought them I had no clue what I'd use them for, but I LOVED the color. Well, it's only taken 4 years for me to figure out a use for them. I think they look great and the color is PERFECT! After Christmas I'm going to use them to make a valance for my girls' room. Repurpose, repurpose, repurpose...gotta love it!

My mantel is definitely not done. I have grand plans for it. Those jars will be filled with gumballs and peppermint sticks. And I'm in the process of making some cute topiary trees. Hopefully, it will all come together. Don't you just love Frosty? He was a MAJOR splurge. Quite possibly the only Christmas decoration I paid full price for. I wanted him soooo bad. I visited him many times before I actually bought him. The day I came to see him and he was THE last one on the shelf, I knew I had to bring him home. And I am so glad I did. He has such presence up there. He looks like he owns the place.

Allright, I think I may have a slightly unhealthy obsession with snowmen. Now that I'm looking at my pictures, I realize how many of them I have. I even put Mr. cutie patootie in the bathroom. Sue me...I like snowmen.


  1. I love Snowmen!! Hey are yours from Target? I have some from there too. I have this growing snowman collection, it didn't begin on purpose, but as I surveyed my bounty I realized my love for them! I am glad you decorated for Christmas early, I am going to do it this week also. I figure fall gets a long almost 3 months, and Christmas gets maybe 3.5 weeks! So I am giving it a fighting chance. The holidays go by so much more quickly now that i have kids...I love what you are doing!

  2. So very pretty. Im glad to see that you put your goodies out. It's nice to enjoy them as long as we want. I think we should not be afraid to decorate early just cause some people are against. Thats the fun of being a grown up~ Yours are beautiful by the way~

  3. You are making me start to think about putting up my Christmas stuff now all I need is some extra energy to luge all boxes up from the basement.

  4. OH MY GOSH! Look at all that adorable stuff!! I'll be lucky if I get my nativity out! I've learned that the less I put up, the less I have sitting out until St. Patty's Day! *snort*

    Thanks for entering my giveaway and sporting my apple!! I've had several referrals from your site, so a big EXTRA thanks! Come back and see me sometime!

  5. Did you see my latest post? It has a cuuuuute snowman in it! Check it out!

  6. Everything looks so pretty! I love it all! I can't wait to see your mantel. I put my Cmas decor up this week too (except the tree) and I'm so glad. I always put it up the week before Thanksgiving though.

  7. HI, Amanda, thanks for finally leaving me a note & welcome to blogging! I'm also honored that you included ME on your short list of fave blogs.

    I had fun looking at your recent posts, you are very creative (even if it's copying!) and I love your Christmas decor so far. I'm lazy too when it comes to things being too perfect & I've learned not to stress over all that small stuff.

    PS your snowman is VERY cute, keep him!

    Don't be a stranger come back & visit me & leave another comment!

  8. L-O-V-E it!! I am so with you-getting the stuff out in stages- we three little ones-I have to start early or I'll never get done before New Years!
    Love all your stuff!

  9. Love your lbog...first time here. You all getting your CHrist. stuff out is making me itchy to get mine out! Will have to bookmark your site. cherry

  10. Ahhh I feel so behind!! I'm starting this weekend. Yay! I LOVE those lamps on your piano!!

  11. I love this time of year! You always have such cute decoration stuff, your house always looks awesome! Way cute!

  12. I am addicted to snowmen, too! Maybe because living in the south, I don't get to see many in real life?? Your decorations are adorable!


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