Monday, November 10, 2008

"I Can Make That...Par-tay!"

OOOHHHH...this is so fun! I love me a good party. Chris, over at Just a Girl, is hosting an "I can make that party". I an effort to save money, yet give a beautiful one of a kind, from the heart gift this holiday season, Chris had this fabulous idea. Her blog is hosting a Mr. Linky party where we can all share ideas and inspiration for fun projects! Apparently, she read my mind on this one, because I had already decided to make this a homemade Christmas. Plus I love to save money and any excuse to do a cute craft is right up my alley. P.S - I don't think I've had an original idea since 1995, so I'm all about the sharing of the fabulousness!

My inspiration for these cute blocks came from Tip Junkie...I think. The ones I saw were for Halloween and Thanksgiving, but there are soooo many possibilities with these little lovelies. They would make a great holiday gift like this, or you could spell out a name with them...I'm thinking for a teacher's desk. I used old scrap wood scavenged from a new house construction, but you could just go to Lowe's and have them cut up a 2x4. The only supplies you need are craft paint for the sides and back, wicked cute scrapbook paper, chipboard letters or die cut letters, your favorite ribbon, and mod podge. They were so easy and very fun to make.

This is my take on a bulletin board. I have wanted one for my girls' room for quite a while, but was holding out for the RIGHT one. I never found it. So if you can't find what you want...make it. I happened to have this canvas and the fabric left over from another project. Actually, now that I think of it...I had all of this stuff laying around the house. All you do is center the fabric onto your canvas, wrap the edges to the back and staple. Easy. For the ribbon part I slipped on a ring clip, looped the ribbon, and used upholstery tacks (you could also use hot glue). I chose to run the ribbon vertically, but you could also do it horizontally. Either way...very cute...very easy...original gift!

My inspiration for this frame came from a baby shower I recently attended. My friend received 2 or 3 very similar frames called Frou Frou Frames. They came from a very high end baby boutique, and run $50-$60 a piece. Yes, you heard me right, I said $50-$60. Can you believe that? Well, I couldn't. I thought...hey, I can make that. This frame started out in life black, so I spray painted it, bought 1 yard of very lush ribbon at H.L., and added a brooch I already had. I still need to distress it, but I wanted to show it to you anyway...unfinished and all. I for one, love my copycat frame that cost me all of 1.50 to make!
I cannot wait to see all the creative and wonderful ideas from the talented ladies of blogland!


  1. WOW!!! You just gave me three ideas in one post! I'm serious. I plan on using every single one of these. just had that brooch at home? Nice! Thank you for joining us. I know people will be copying you!

  2. What great ideas and a great blog - you can bet I'll be a regular!

  3. Very, very cute!! I love the...well...everything! I couldn't choose just one!! :)

  4. Lovin' the frame! Can you imagine - sixty dollars! Of course you could make that, and I bet it's nicer.

  5. I love all of these ideas, they are just awesome!!

  6. Great ideas!! I love the message board. I think I'll make one to go in my mom's kitchen.

  7. I love the JOY blocks!!! I am definitely going to try this! I have so many ideas to run with this... thinking initials or my son's name for his bedroom! Found you through the I can make that party!

  8. Great ideas. Love them, especially the frame.

  9. I came over from Just a Girl. The joy sign is so cute I think I might have to give it a try!

  10. I love the joy blocks! And the bulletin board!

  11. You are so talented! I love all those ideas! So cute! I got crafty today, I will have to post some picks. Love ya.

  12. Ooohh fun! I love the frame and you have me seriously considering an attempt at modge podge. Love all of your craftiness!

  13. Great ideas! I don't know if any of us have completely original ideas. We are all inspired by something else. Thanks for some fresh inspiration!

  14. Great ideas! Especially loved the bulletin board. Cute blog. I'm off to read the rest of it.

  15. That bulletin board is awesome, I love the idea, and will be copying...Also, from another post I really like your monogram A. Both are on my to-do list now!

  16. the frame is great... love the bulletin board, definitely stealing that idea... and you are my new freind for saying "wicked"... awesome....

  17. Amanda! I love this, I am working on some joy blocks too for the Holidays. I really enjoyed your blog and can't wait to come back and visit! You did a great post...thanks so much. Blessings,

  18. I love these ideas (plus the initial plaque from an earlier post). Thanks for the great ideas! Now, when in the world will I get these donw?!?

    Kirsten of B&K

  19. Oh I love that canvas! Would be perfect to hold girls hairbows & clippies. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Hi there, I found your blog through heather at BeTasseled. I love this post and may have to copycat on some of these ideas too. Thanks and take care

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog; I love yours and can't wait to see more! Nice to 'meet' you...

  22. Wow I love love LOVE your ideas!!!

  23. Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog! My onesies are $15/each. I'm going to work on my etsy shop tonight. So maybe if you pop in there tomorrow you will see some more of them! Thank you for visiting my blog! =)

  24. What a cute idea and sounds inexpensive too. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy visiting all the blogs that joined in Just a Girl's party.

  25. I love all of those beautifully crafted ideas! I think that my favorite is the bulletin board. It would make a great gift.

    My white plates came from the thrift store. They are made in Italy by Lenox and the line is Butler's Pantry. I was surprised at how many comments I got from people that had those same plates.

    Have a great weekend!

  26. Girl! You are right! We could be best friends! I checked out your blog after you commented on mine, and I see a friendship blossoming! I will be using some of your ideas, and we are on the same page about that darn perfectionism thing too. By the way, the I Spy Bags were super easy to make and the boys loved them!

  27. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your comment. I love the blocks. They look so pretty.

  28. I really like your bulletin board, I think I'm going to make some...

    Are the ribbons just hanging or is it glued to the fabric?

  29. Oh my gosh you've got so many good ideas. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. A friend of mine told me instead of a shadow box she uses regular frames and uses scrapbook stuff to put inside of them. I had never thought of that. I'll definately be back.


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