Monday, November 23, 2009

Mini Feather Trees From Dollar Store Crap

Today I started pulling out those Christmas bins. I figure if I do it a little at a time, it won't be so much work. Plus, I just couldn't stand it anymore...I LOVE decorating for Christmas!!! I found these really fugly wire trees I got at the Dollar Tree last year, and wondered why in the world I would buy something so hideous. I considered throwing them into my garage sale pile for this weekend, but then I had a lightbulb moment. I can totally transform those sad little trees into something beautiful. It was such a quick and easy project. Perfect for this busy holiday season. Here is what I did...all 2 steps!

Start with a sad little cone tree from the dollar store, garage sale, thrift store, or trash pile.

Wrap a piece of paper around the cone. Trim it to fit, and tape it closed.

Then hot glue a feather boa around the tree to your little heart's content. And voila...super cute, easy breezy, mini feather trees! I have some more cone trees and I plan to make at least 3 more. I'm not sure I'll be able to stop at three...I kinda love them!

Did you notice my big apothecary jar filled with jumbo candy canes in the first picture? I found them at Dollar General 2 for $1. That is a fantastic deal. At Dollar Tree they are $1 each. I love the way they look. But those darn kids of mine are already begging to eat them. What...are you insane? Maybe in three or four weeks...sorry kiddos.

This post linked to Kimm's Trash to Treasure and Kimba's DIY Day


  1. You are my hero with these.

    I've been a lurker for a while. I had to comment at the genius of this.

    Also, thanks for posting that quick clean up list last week. It really made a difference in the time I spent tidying up! :)

  2. Look how cute those are! Great job!!! I may have to try that one!

    I love that clean up list too. I printed it right up. Of course, I still haven't put it to use... Hmmm...


  3. I LOVE these feather trees....totally cute blog...will be back to visit often!!!

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks at something I've bought and thinks...why did I like and/or think I needed this?

    Love the makeover!

  5. I LOVE your feather trees! I so wish we lived near a dollar store!!!


  6. Love this! Before I forget though, my Dollar Tree has the peppermint sticks also 2 for $1.00. This would be a great idea for a few pots I had gotten at Goodwill and painted ~ they are just waiting for something. Thanks for sharing this, Amanda! I'm starting my decorating Thursday.

  7. YAY for feather trees! I want a whole forest of them!!!

  8. Those are adorable! I never would have thought of feathers!

  9. These are the sweetest trees! I love 'em.

    Lee Laurie

  10. Amanda you are awesome. Love THE "GLAM" bowa trees. SUPER CUTE! and so cheap and easy. I don't have the cute pedestals to put them on.. DARN! I totally have a big jar I want big candy canes to put in. Darn again, I don't have that store hear you were reffering to.

  11. P.S. you have until 10:00 this morning to enter my "Coach wristlet bag" on my blog! HURRY, and good luck!

  12. oh my gosh, my daughters would LOVE these! Am totally going to try it - thanks!!!

  13. I can't believe those apothecary jars were 50 cents! I need to go to my Dollar Store.

  14. Darling! (I got some of those ginormous candy sticks too!)

  15. Came over from ASPTL...I've seen those trees at the dollar store this year and I'm always drawn to them for some reason (maybe the shape?). Thanks for giving me a reason to buy them and something to do with them!

  16. I love these, dear heart. But I need to ask you: where does one get feather boas? With three sons, I have never had occasion to look for one. Maybe I just need to be a little more Zsa Zsa Gabor myself. . . .

  17. very cute! dollar general!? I never go there! I should, huh?
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. What a gret idea! I have a few of those ugly little trees in need of a makeover too! So cute

  19. Cute cute cute, Manders! :) Thanks for the deal alert...I was hoping to find some of those soon. :)

  20. 2 for 1.00 for real!

    Cute trees :)


  21. I'm running to the dollar store as soon as hubby walks in the door tonight! :)

    Thanks for all of your inspiration!

  22. Soooo cool. Love me some feather trees. Thanks for sharing!

  23. OK, this is brilliant. I had these in my hand yesterday, thinking I needed them. (??) This is adorable. I'm putting this on my FB page. ;)

  24. Hi Amanda!

    I just wanted to let you know that I have some metal New Moon keychains and I drew your name out of my commenters. So if you would like it, email me your address and I will send it to you. Congratulations!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  25. Very cute!

    The kids need to back off!

    First rule of Decorating...Do Not Eat The Decor!

  26. Great idea - I love it! And my daughter would just love the addition of the boa...I am thinking a pink one for her room. Thanks for the great idea.



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