Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Like Big Webs and I Cannot Lie....


Here are 2 great links for those of you interested in making some big 'ol webs. Thanks to Jenny and Megan for providing them!

Ok, sorry for the shameless reference to a bad 90's song! It just seemed perfect for my title. But now I can't get it out of my head. Oh well... that's what I get, right?

My sister Jenny came up with this fabulous creation for her porch. Isn't it just the absolute coolest? She knew I would be the only crazy person who would get excited about a ginormous spiderweb, so of course she called me to come and see it immediately. And of course, I rushed right over.

This is what she used to make it. Oh, and a staple gun. And a ladder and a super sweet sister to be her assistant!

I wish I could give you this wonderful tutorial with step by step instructions...but I have no clue how she did it. And I was there and helped make 3 of them. Yes...I'm good like that.

I do know that she started with a base by making an "X" or a "T". Then started from the center tying rope knots all the way around.

If you can't tell, we were seriously risking life and limb to put this thing up. But it was so worth it. Aren't they the coolest???

She has since done two more and I need to go back and take a final picture. She said she's never decorated for Halloween before. I think she's hooked now.

If I can get the link for how to make these ultra cool spiderwebs, I will come back and add it to this post tonight. If're on your own.

Get those creative juices flowing and have fun!


  1. That is so cool!!! I never decorate for Halloween, but that makes me want to!!

  2. I am so jealous. Her porch is AMAZING!!! I love the web! I use the stupid $1.99 bag from the store...this is much more realistic!

  3. I snorted when I saw the title. ;)

    That looks awesome. What a great idea to use the yarn!

  4. That looks awesome! I'm so going to do that to my porch tomorrow too. It'll look faboo

  5. So cute! And I LOVE Jenny's porch!

  6. How cool is that? These are great! And really. . . it kinda looks like you could just start with the cord and staple gun and get to weaving. I think it's something that is best done with a sister's help, though!

    How close by does your sister live?

  7. I just love Halloween! This is so cool, I wish I had the right place to hang such a thing.

  8. Wow, those look so amazing! What a great (and cheap!!) decoration. My favorite kind. :)

  9. Seriously -- those are soooo cool! I wish I had a porch!

  10. Seriously! If you can come up with instructions, I'm all over that!! And I wonder if I could staple into my vinyl porch railing?

  11. OMG! Seriously....can that be any cuter?

  12. Cool! All it needs it a great big old spider. hehehehe...! Love it!

  13. Oh wow! It looks great. Give your sister a big Bravo!!!

  14. That is such a great idea. It looks really good. The front of her house looks so cute.

  15. I'm so proud of my momma! Now if we could only teach her how to blog...

  16. First of all, I LOVE that song because it makes me laugh (when my kids aren't in the car - ha ha) but I'd love to tech it to my husband. :) It is catchy and gets in my head often when I forget how much junk in the trunk I have and I bump the door frame when taking a corner. Was that me back there? ha ha

    Secondly, these are AWESOME! WAY cool! And your sister's front porch is fabulous. Thanks for all the great posts!

  17. Awesome! Makes me really wish I had a front porch. Now I'm jealous....

  18. That is so cool!!! BTW... that song is now stuck in my head. :-)

  19. wow awesome idea! i would totally do that too if i had a front porch like your sis. super cool. now she has to put up big giant spiders!

  20. The webs are great, but what is even greater is that porch. I think you should take some pictures of the outside of her house and post them for everyone to see! That would be fabulous!!!

  21. That is really cool!! And looks like my porch....well as soon as my hand rails and shutters are finally up!

  22. I am totally doing this!!!!

    Fantastic idea--so much better than that stuff you have to stretch out!

  23. I neeeeed to know how to make this!! If anyone figures it out, please let me know!

    twirly2girls at gmail dot com

  24. So cool! And what a fab front porch.
    By the way I'm ALMOST done being mad at you about that Cricut thing. You just need to move next door so that we can SHARE. :)

  25. That's one smart sister - great idea - great look. Love it.

  26. If I had a rad porch like that I would so be all over that. But mine blows chunks and I think it would be a waste to do it on my deck in the backyard for all of two of my neighbors to enjoy it. But I LOVES IT!

  27. Totally spooktacular!!!

  28. i LOVE this ... we are in a 1912 remodeled home.... it is begging to have spidey webs up... I would love a pattern if you figure one out... so cute!!

  29. That is AMAZING - I love it! What a cool idea!


  30. Oh my word! This is my new favorite thing! I wish I had a porch as awesome as yours!!! Looks fantastic!

  31. LOVE it!!! NO link??? :) I think I could figure this out...maybe.

  32. What an awesome idea! I'm off to make one on my porch now. I printed out the large picture and traced the webs with a highlighter. It helped me to see exactly where to start and which strings go where. I also found these instructions if they'll help someone...

  33. I don't usually go all out and decorate much for halloween other than with a few pumpkins, but these spiderwebs on your sister's porch are great!

    I love how creative your blog is. I always learn new things to get my creative juices flowing.

    Lee Ann

  34. Your web idea is the best I have seen this season. It looks awesome and its just such a fantastic decoration!

  35. I'm totally going to try this. I LOVE it! Very good idea!


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