Monday, December 8, 2008

Prayer Request

Girls, this is something I don't like to do on this blog, but my family is in desperate need of all the prayers and love we can get. My sister gave birth about 6 weeks ago to a beautiful baby girl. She was 14 and a half weeks early. She weighed 1 lb 10 oz. It has been a tenuous situation, just trying to get through each day and not worry about tomorrow. This little angel girl is a fighter. And a miracle. She has blessed and touched many lives in the past 6 weeks. She has fought tooth and nail to be healthy and strong and has been doing amazingly well. Yesterday she had a rough day and a major setback. This morning she was rushed to Ocshner's in New Orleans in an emergency transport. Her teeny tiny little body wasn't ready to come into this world just yet, so there are lots of things that her underdeveloped system can't handle well. She has an infection and may need to have surgery in the next few days. My dear sweet sister is barely hanging by a thread. She has been so strong throughout this whole ordeal, but there is just so much a mother's heart can bear. She has 4 kids at home and one angel baby in heaven. Earlier this year she lost a baby boy at 20 weeks. I ache for her. I want to take away all of her pain. And I can relate to her pain in some ways that others cannot. I too lost a baby boy at 27 weeks, almost 4 and a half years ago. I long for him every single day, but know that I will see him again and my family will live together forever. She knows this too. And it is such a comfort. But a parent should not outlive their child...not once, especially not twice. I cannot bear to see her go through that heartache again. We know that if our Father in Heaven sees fit to bring her back home to Him, we will accept his will and have faith that He has a plan for us. But at this moment in time I cannot even go there. I don't even want to think about that being a possibility. I will have faith. I will be positive. I will pray and pray and pray that this precious baby girl will fight her way through yet another trial. I believe that she can and I hope that she will. So, I am asking for prayers in her behalf. She needs them and I know with all my heart that she will get them. I feel blessed to have each one of you beautiful souls in my life. I am honored to have such amazing women as friends. I was welcomed into the wonderful world of blogging with open arms and open hearts. What a blessing you all are in my life! I am so thankful for good people. There alot of good people in this world. And there are miracles happening around us every day. Please join me in praying for a miracle for sweet baby Ella. Tell everyone you know about her. Ask them to pray for her. Prayer is a gift...and it works. I have a testimony that God hears and answers our prayers. I know that He loves each one of us and knows us personally. I will continue to have faith in Him. Thank you for being there for me and my family in this time of need. We truly are so blessed!

Love and Blessings To You All ~ Amanda


  1. I am praying for Ella!!! I know you and your sisters pain in a smaller way, I had 2 miscarriages, but they were early on compared to yours. I believe that ALL of them are heartbreaking, but truly the further along you are, the more heart rending. I am praying for this little girl to be a fighter and be strong. May the Lords blessing be on your sister, her husband, her children, and your whole family. May he give her the grace and composure she needs. May he breathe life and hope into her heart and her baby's body. Father God, heal this baby, give her streangth, and help her body to grow and meet her milestones at a miraculous pace.
    Praying for Ella with all my heart,

  2. I am praying right now for baby Ella, your sister, and your entire family. I don't know about the loss of a child, but I do know the heartache of trying and trying for one. Our God is truly an awesome God, and no matter what, we know he is watching over Ella right now. I pray that he heals her and makes her strong.....and strength for your sister also. I know a mother's heart can truly break for her children.

    Blessings and love to all of you!

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep baby Ella and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. I hate that your sister and your family are having to go through something so hard. I am praying for sweet baby Ella and praying for your family. I hope she is better soon and please keep us posted. Power of prayer is an amazing thing and God does hear all prayers.

  5. God DOES hear and answer prayer! We, too, know that first hand. We will be praying for Baby Ella and her sweet Mommy. God loves us, for sure.

  6. Baby Ella and family are in our thoughts and prayers. I wish with all my heart we lived closer and there was something we could do. We can pray, and we are. Love you girl. You are a sweet Aunt.

  7. I am sorry to hear this. I will put Miss Ella on my prayer list... I'll be asking God to make her a miracle girl!
    I have a dear friend who had twins 17 weeks early. They were give a near zero chance of survival... they will celebrate their 2nd birthday in February! God works in miraculous ways and I'll be praying for Ella's miracle.

  8. Praying for her and your family right now.

  9. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I sincerely hope everything works for her and her family.

  10. I am definitely keeping your family in my prayers.

  11. I will be thinking and praying for Ella and the whole family! God Bless and keep us posted!

  12. Ella is in my thoughts, please post an update on her!

  13. Amanda,
    I will be praying for Baby Ella, your sister, and the rest of your family as well. I am so sorry that you all have to go through this, and especially at this time of year. I hope you all feel God's love and constant comfort and know he will take care of Ella.

  14. I am going to say a prayer right now for baby Ella and your whole family.

  15. Ohhh I pray for Ella and her family! cherry

  16. Consider it done ~ I love coming here for eye candy and ideas! Now I feel useful and able to give back :) take heart, she will lifted up to our Lord.

  17. Amanda,
    My mom always says that when two or more are gathered in the lords name, he hears our prayers. All of you blog friends are gathered here to pray for your niece. Prayers go up, blessings come down.

  18. Saw your comment on Cherry's Jubilee blog & just wanted to come over & offer up a prayer for Ella.

  19. Amanda, I am not sure what is going on at this point, I just got to this post. I will be praying for you Sister, and your Family, and I will be praying for Baby Ella. :)

  20. Amanda, I can't believe I missed this...OH, I am praying hard for this little girl! I hope she feels our prayers, and I hope your sister does too. God Bless all of you.


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