Monday, June 28, 2010

Over the Hill Birthday Gift Idea....{and giveaway winner!}

Thanks to everyone who supported this wonderful giveaway. And to those who took it a step further and made a purchase from Cindy's etsy shop....your contribution is greatly appreciated!

The winner of the Buttons of Hope giveaway is
Comment #17, Kellie.
CONGRATS and ENJOY your cute, cute button jewelry, Kellie!

Ok....I think this might be the funnest gift idea ever for all your "Over the Hill" friends. I saw a variation on this idea recently and I am kicking myself that I didn't make note of where (maybe Tip Junkie?) If anyone knows, please e-mail me so that I can give credit where credit is due. Anyway, when I saw these "flippin 40 flip flops" I immediately knew I had to make them. Last weekend, I was invited to a surprise party for a friend of mine turning 40....much to her dismay! And I was so excited I finally had the chance to make a set of my own to give.

Aside from being a funny gift, I also wanted it to be something she would actually like and use. Not just a plain jane pair of rubber flip flips for the pool. I found a really cute and affordable pair at Walmart and added some of my shabby {no sew} rosettes. I am loving this fabric I found at Hobby Lobby too....very funky chic!

If you missed my tutorial on how to make these cute rosettes, you can click here to read all about it!

I hope my old codger, over the hill, 40-something friends can take a joke! It is out of sheer love from me and utter torture for them that I give these. Am I a great friend or what???


  1. That is totally adorable. I want some...but I am not near 40. Don't ever want to be...haha

  2. I love these! Your tutorial on making the rosettes inspired me to make them and now I cant stop! This is just one more way for me to use them! Thanks!

  3. I love these so much and the fabric dresses them up so much. I want to make me a pair. Thanks for the cute idea....I saw this idea at

    just case that was the link you saw and needed. Love your blog and drool and visit often.:)

  4. How flippin cute are these flippin flopers???? Oh my goodness, LOVE them, want them, need them! I am soooo gonna make these, for me, my girls, my friends, thanks for sharing! What an amazingly lucky friend you have!

  5. OH my goodness, these are so cute.

    I gave you an award here:
    Check it out!

  6. Here's the link to the variation I found a few weeks ago. I saved it b/c I thought it was so cute. :)

    LOVE the rosettes on yours. How did you attach them to the flip flops? I bought 11 pairs of white flip flops for the ladies I'll be teaming up with for discussions in my MOPS group this year. I was going to add a white button with a "diamond" bling in the center, but not sure how to get them to stay on the flops.

  7. What a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing!

  8. You are funny. But watch out, my young friend. . . just wait 'til you turn 40! :)

    Love ya!

  9. Wow! that was a very adorable slippers I like it. Keep posting!

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    Hank Hendricks has been a student at the University of New Hampshire- Whittmore School of Business and Economics.
    At the university he was a very active participant in the student researcher group.


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